Awareness is indeed an "Extremely Important and Beneficial Virtue"!
Awareness enables us to make responsible decisions on the pathways of this Wonderful Life.
Awareness guides and influences the trajectory of each endeavor practically, with utilization of logic and prudent acumen.
Awareness prevents the necessity of having a person to go through experiences that could either prove to be crucial / detrimental with repercussive ramifications and compliments the entire structure of each endeavor proficiently by bestowing the individual with full fledged knowledge and the cutting edge well beforehand, thereby constructively orchestrating the Rhythm of Life meritoriously,
Before we venture towards taking any action, let us utilize the investigative power of awareness with care;due diligence, prudent acumen, accountability and complete responsibility in each action that is taken; of being aware of what is right and wrong instead of rushing into judging or reaching our own conclusions on the basis of what we have heard from a known or unknown source.
Awareness certainly signifies that it is great to be Aware.
Being aware makes a tremendous difference to each and every aspect of Life.
The importance of awareness cannot be emphasized enough since each and every moment / day, being aware has its own rewards that encompasses each and every facet of this Wonderful Life consistently,
Awareness spreads the richness that Life has to offer each and every one of us consistently in each and every wonderful moment
By being Aware, we are able to deploy the resources strategically that each one of us has been fortunately bestowed with, in a privileged manner,
Awareness, as simple as it may appear is indeed a gift that each and every one of us possesses within the wonderful virtues that we have been bestowed with.
Let us take the opportunity at each instance to be aware of each moment, of each thought, of each action, of each endeavor, of each perspective, of each task / assignment and be thankful of having been endowed with this useful virtue and utilize it effectively;
Each and Everyone of us has/have the power of awareness within us
Always in all ways, we have to be is to recognize and utilize this talented virtue responsibly
Please Be Accountable
Please Be Aware
Please Be Responsible
Please Be Well Informed
Please Be Careful
Please Be Diligent
Please Behave Intelligently
Be Courageous, But Wise Decisions Of Course and NOT Courage that ventures with an perspective of unawareness please; Being Aware, Analyzing; Being Rationale, Being Practical, Being Responsible and Pursuing a Responsible and Accountable Pathway at each and every Step with a perspective of Awareness does matter and count please, Thank you and Best Wishes!
Take any Step but Please kindly remember that the Responsibility for any thought or action is entirely yours since any details written / communicated are not intended to influence or deviate from your objective, but rather positively encourage you to adopt and pursue the legitimate and responsible pathways at each and every step of every objective, of every agenda meticulously, wisely and of course time and again; with Accountability and Complete Responsibility Please.
One single Moment of not being Aware can be an expensive decision and once the Moment goes by, it never returns back; hence, please be Aware and Beware and Be Careful, Thoughtful, Attentive, Responsible and Accountable consistently please.
A lot more could be said and expressed regarding Awareness and it is hopeful that additional comments/suggestions are submitted that could enhance the scope of expressing this virtue more objectively, whereby its comprehension is described from various perspectives with the identical objective, namely, to spread the message of Awareness and recognize that Awareness is indeed an "Extremely Important and Beneficial Virtue"!
The above is obviously a very brief articulation of thoughts associated with this most Precious, Incomparable and Wonderful Asset called Life, Life and its Importance cannot be paraphrased or expressed in a few words alone, The Greatness of Life is Beyond any Compare and Beyond any Description for Life is Magnificent, Life is Excellent, Life is Wonderful, Life is Beautiful, Life is Pure, Life is Divine, Life is The Very Greatest Treasure, Thank you very Much
Please kindly make note that the above details is / are not endorsed view(s) or suggestion(s), it / they is / are only an expression of a view point(s) that are being expressed in good faith at this moment in time and it might be very much possible that each individual endeavor might merit a more stringent, a more stronger and higher level of Responsibility and effective guidelines and COMPLIANCE and ADHERENCE to certain Protocol, Rules, LAWS AND REGULATIONS and other associated factors; So at any instance(s) any decision(s) / action(s) taken by the concerned Individual(s) / Person(s) remains entirely their own / complete / total Responsibility.
NO warranties regarding the accuracy, completeness, reliability of any of the above details featured are provided in any way whatsoever.In NO event whatsoever shall the author of this article be responsible for damages of any nature whatsoever resulting from the use of or reliance upon the information featured.
The details featured herewith are in good faith BUT in no way assure or guarantee any results / performances from what is sincerely Hoped for since every action(s) / decision(s) taken by the concerned Individual(s) remains completely and entirely the concerned Individual(s) Responsibility and at their sole discretion and risk.
Henceforth, this point of view should not be completely relied upon since you would have to obviously take your own Responsibility in attending to each endeavor with Utmost Care, Attention, Precaution, Caution, Due Diligence, Prudent Acumen, Time and Again Repeatedly with Responsibility and a host of various other factors that might have to be taken into careful consideration and assessment accordingly; so Please kindly carefully verify at each and every step(s), each and every detail(s) meticulously and diligently Please. Thank You for your attention.
Love & Light;
God Bless,
©2009 Vashi Ram Chandi
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