Saturday, March 14, 2009

The Purpose of this Wonderful Life.

The Purpose of this Wonderful Life.

The Purpose of this Wonderful Life is intended to identify a Life of Purpose, a Life of Meaningful Values and Principles, Ideals, Beliefs and a Passion to Inspire

It is a great privilege to express these few words relating to the captioned, although apparently the purpose in this Wonderful Life could not be simply described in these few humble words alone, it encompasses a sequence of Mircales being unfolded each and every Wonderful Moment very fortunately

If we learn to Recognize and "Understand" the significant Importance of each and every Moment in this Wonderful Life and Invest our endeavors in Universal Meaningful Benefit and Constructive Progress consistently; then we have already accomplished virtually majority of our objectives, whether spoken or unspoken; whether articulated / thought of Or yet to contemplate upon

It is contributing to this Wonderful Universe; whether in thought or deed; without the inclincation to seek acclaim or reward in return; it is a selfless and most simple of endeavors, yet amongst one of the most contentious and pivotal pillars of this Wonderful Life

The People that continually Inspire us to Recognize and "Understand" the Purpose of this Wonderful Life are Our Families; Our Teachers; Our Friends; Our Community; Our Country; Our Wonderful Universe and its Wonderful People

If we take a Moment to reflect upon the Moments of Life, we will be able to perceive various aspects, where certain events / incidents leave us completely bewildered / confused / saddened; and yet at subsequent the Moment that follows at other instances leave us amazed and inspired

This is a very Wonderful and Precious Life; Let us Wish and Consistently Pray for Universal Peace, Happiness, Prosperity and Progress

The Purpose of this Wonderful Life is intended to identify a Life of Purpose, a Life of Meaningful Values and Principles, Ideals, Beliefs and a Passion to Inspire

Love & Light;

God Bless,


©2009 Vashi Ram Chandi



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