Saturday, March 14, 2009

The Legacy of Global Inspiration,

The Legacy of Global Inspiration

A Sincere Wish & Hope; It is our Opportunity to Spread The Goodness All Across The Universe

We owe our Immense Gratitude to The Universe / Nature for all the wonderful abilities and resources that we have, are and will be consistently provided with

As a token of thanks, we should seek to inspire one another consistently

The extent of this inspiration should reach across the various media channels and not only on The Internet alone

The Virtue of Inspiration that is within each and everyone of us should be communicated in Schools, Colleges, Universities and Industries; all the World

We should encourage and for instance, when we open the Paper to read, When we switch on the T V channels, a certain importance should be accorded to The Virtue of Inspiration; that it deserves

When we read and hear the News, should also have Inspiration, Achievements, Accomplishments, Encouragement communicated / beamed across with a certain prominence that it deserves

It is not that only reporting the news should deviate but what is being humbly requested is that The Virtue of Inspiration be recognized for what it is

It's agenda is to Inspire One Another, its objective is One Another's Development; Its Reward is Global Development on a mutually beneficial and progressive basis

This is not seeking to proclaim or advertise (NOT at all), it is simply, very naturally and very humbly seeking to spread The Virtue of Inspiration with Appreciation and Immense Gratitude

It is hoped that when the Students / the Youth; who are indeed our Future Leaders, our Future Champions, our Future Industrialists and our Future Pioneers reflect proudly on their achievements accomplished so far

And draft their plans for the enterprising future that is interestingly awaiting their participation in it, they will be greeted with Inspiration all along the way

Each day is having a specific time frame, at least a few minutes accorded specifically to The Virtue of Inspiration

It could perhaps become a Subject, where competitions are held, ideas are expressed regarding how we could all participate and do our very best in our individual capacities for The World

The essence is not open identifying who achieved how much or how far or how slow one is; it is but seeking to gratefully acknowledge what we have each been provided and doing our best in return, within the reasonable possible means at our respective disposal

Even the smallest token of Inspiration is immensely powerful since it is seeking to remind each Person of the tremendous abilities that each and every one have so fortunately provided with

It is not deviating from the reality or being impractical (NOT at all); it is acknowledging the various factors wisely and attending to each sphere / each aspect of the daily assignments / agendas in their responsible methods, however with a certain element of inspiration prevailing consistently

For our Future Leaders, The Youth, if possible, they should be provided within their curriculum / syllabus; encouragement to hold debates / competitons on the Subject:- The Virtue of Inspiration

This is a unique opportunity for each and every one of us to invest our efforts of leaving behind a rich legacy of the very finest that could be imagined, that could be created, that could be envisaged, for our Current and Future Generations

It is but a humble token of Appreciation and Gratitude that is being invested in, it is simply a little time, a few minutes each and every day, but a constructive endeavor indeed

Our Parents, Our Families, Our Teachers, Our Friends, Our Communities, Our Countries, Our Wonderful World has and is always providing us with the Very Best

It is our privilege to reciprocate this goodness and invest our endeavors towards investing in The Legacy of Global Inspiration and rejoice in its noble achievements

It is a triumphant Victory for The World; It is a Reward for One and All, The Virtue of Inspiration is seeking our participation in this humble agenda manifested/envisioned

The Legacy of Global Inspiration, It is A Sincere, It is A Sincere Hope, It is A Dream; It is an Aspiration that continually fills us with more and more of Inspiration

It is our Opportunity to Spread The Goodness All Across The Universe for Now and for our Future Generations respectively

The Legacy of Global Inspiration, It is Yours, It is Theirs, It is Ours, It is Great,It is Wonderful, The Virtue of Inspiration

Sarve Bhavantu Sukhina; Sarve Bhavantu Sukhina

May One and All be Happy;May One and All have well-being;

May Happiness be showered on all;May One and All be Healthy

O Lord Protect us

O Lord Guide us

O Lord Grant us Wisdom

O Lord Lead us from darkness to Light (From ignorance to Knowledge)

O Lord May there be Universal Peace, Happiness, Prosperity and Progress

Love & Light;

God Bless,


©2009 Vashi Ram Chandi



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