Saturday, March 14, 2009

Invest in Life; Meaningfully; Purposefully & Responsibly

Invest in Life; Meaningfully; Purposefully & Responsibly

Invest in Life and enhance the scope of each and every "Moment" constructively with a meaningful Vision that consistently encompasses Happiness, Joy, Peace, Love, Progress, Prosperity for the Meaningful Benefit and Constructive Progress of Our Wonderful Universe and its Wonderful People consistently

Universal Team Work Counts
Every meaningful and constructive step taken counts indeed
However each step taken must be pursued with Awareness, Due Diligence, Wisdom, Logic, Responsibility, Accountability, Prudent Acumen, Host of Various Factors that may deem Relevant and Applicable in their individual
Adherence to Laws, Rules and Regulations explicitly
And most Importantly all appropriate/well calibrated steps taken MUST be with a careful perspective of "Complete Responsibility and Awareness"

This description is obviously a very brief prelude/synopsis of the extent of the mission since the advent of the mission is a continual process of Responsibility / as well as a quest for sincerely Thanking Life for providing with so many Wonderful and Precious Assets from amongst which the most attributable factors being, "Each and Every Wonderful and Sparkling Moment which Glitters and Sparkles with its fascinating radiance of Happiness, seeking our attention to Invest in Life and its Each and Every Moment with a Vision for Universal Happiness, Peace, Prosperity and Progress consistently,

Life & Time are our Wonderful Assets, Each and Every One of Us have been provided,are and will always be provided with the Very Best in Life and Time if we learn to Appreciate each and every Moment and Constructively Utilize each Moment in Time by according it Immense Value, Prudent Acumen, Due Diligence and leveraging our endeavors with Methodical Precision whilst ensuring that each action that is taken is focused upon bringing about Tremendous Benefit for This Wonderful Universe and its Wonderful People Always,

Always learn to be Thankful and Appreciative for it is indeed a Miracle to have each and every Moment, There could never be a greater Treasure than this Life and the Time that we have been endowed and fortunately bestowed with, The significant importance associated with Life & Time cannot be expressed in these few words alone for Life and Time are Magnificent and always get Better and Greater, Life & Time, The Wonders are showering us with Blessings for Good Health, Progress, Peace, Prosperity and Abundance of Joy, Happiness and Friendship, Life & Time has brought all of us together for a special reason, to learn to Appreciate and Value the Cherished Moments, the Fortunate Moments that are called "Life" & "Time". Life is a Miracle, The Greatest Miracle, Invest in Life, it is a meaningful endeavor, Learn, Be Aware, Be Creative, Be Intelligent, Be Ambitious, Be Aspiring to Excel, Be Thoughtful, Be Passionate about Life and each and every Moment, every Moment counts, every Moment incredibly matters,

Life will always prove to be the Greatest Miracle since there is no Asset, There is no Gift, There is no Value greater than Life, Life is our Fortune, Life is our Jewel, Life is our Greatest Treasure, Life is Wonderful, The Miracle that we Live each and every Wonderful and Appreciate it more and more for each Wonderful Moment that it is fortunately providing us with, Life, The Miracle, that is happening to us, Life, "It is The Miracle"

Please note: The Greatness and Importance of this Miracle called Life cannot be described or expressed in the above few words alone since Life is Incomparable and is so Wonderful that despite the greatest expression at any instance, Wheresoever, Whensoever, Whatsoever and Howsoever, Life will always prove to be The Greatest Miracle and Much More, Call Life a Miracle, Yes it is, Call Life Wonderful, Yes it is, Call Life Great, Yes it is, Call Life Priceless, Yes it is, Call Life Fortune, Yes it is, Call Life The Greatest Treasure, Yes it is, Life is Wonderful, Life is a Miracle, The Greatest Miracle, Let us Treasure each and every Moment of Life and Appreciate this Wonderful Fortune that we have been bestowed with, this Treasure that is incomparable to any asset, Life is The Greatest Miracle, Invest in Life meaningfully

Invest Accountably
Invest Meaningfully
Invest Responsibly
Invest Intelligently
Invest Carefully
Invest Wisely
Invest in Life, It is Excellent
Avoid Pretension
Avoid Ignorance
Avoid Disguise
Avoid Falsification
Avoid Blaming since eventually the mistake that has been committed will never get erased or get rectified by shifting the blame onto others
Avoid Carelessness / Negligence
Avoid Laziness
Avoid Postponement / Deferrment (But postpone where the relevance might be justified however do not depend on this as a instrumental factor to deviate from compliance with responsible factors that may need to be complied with since the factor of time continually takes into appropriate account all concerned matters as needed to be and applicable in their individual or collective capacities)

The above are a very few aspects that pertain to the above and naturally there are various other details / aspects that need to be taken into very careful consideration, accountability and application consistently with due diligence and prudent acumen and of course time and again with complete / total Accountability and Responsibility

Love & Light;

God Bless,


©2009 Vashi Ram Chandi



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