Saturday, March 14, 2009

Failure is Temporary / Momentary; But Intends to Convey a Meaning to Beware / Be Aware / Be Diligent / Become Accountable & Responsible

Failure is Temporary / Momentary; But Intends to Convey a Meaning to Beware / Be Aware / Be Diligent / Become Accountable & Responsible / Become Proactive & Organized / Avoid Carelessness

Failure is momentary that very much falls within the realm of becoming a repeated recurrence the more we shift our steadfast focus and perspective from our objectives that are envisioning a confident and constructive set of results.and contemplating more upon the concerned issues apprehensively,

Henceforth, the root cause or fear of failure should not instill any lack of confidence but this should very much become an strong foundation of continual success since strength is embedded in each and every facet of Life, All that has to be done is to draw on this precious strength and vision that is always inspiring each one of us to achieve excellence in each and every one of endeavor for the Benefit, Progress and Prosperity of Our Families, Our Friends, Our Countries, Our Beautiful Universe, The World where we have been provided tremendous opportunities to Excel towards Excellence,

With reference to the question, the very phrase ‘inate’ and the phrase ‘fear’ are two aspects of an element of ‘inherent’ and ‘fear representing an element of lacking’.

To address the above two phrases, the aspect associated with ‘inate’ and ‘inherent’ is that none of us have been pre conditioned or provided with the above aspects, but rather false expectations against objective reality might create illusive detours which are self created or developed due to pursuing an shortcut or quick fix method of reaching one’s objectives.

Every aspect of Life has to be naturally evaluated with careful consideration to ensure that it takes into consideration the Benefit, Progress and Prosperity for those around us, for once we contemplate and implement each action towards the mutual benefit of those around us and for this Wonderful Universe, we bring about and create immense Happiness that dispels the ignorance associated with the terms ‘inate’ and ‘fear’,

‘Failure’ by itself teaches us not to repeat our mistakes and to learn carefully from each occurrence / event / incident but cautions us not to take steps that could jeopardize the interest of ourselves and those around us. Taking irrational steps without careful consideration or speculating / gambling away the precious assets and moments of this Wonderful Life carelessly and negligently could lead to an repeated set of results that might prove to be Unfavorable and undesirable.

Henceforth, always look to the sparkling and radiating virtue of “Confidence” and “Success” that each and every one of us have been bestowed with. Look within one’s own self and recognize / become aware of the tremendous potential and leverage the core competencies of each moment constructively time and again to ensure that this brings along with it, “Benefit, Progress, Prosperity, Harmony and Success” all across this Wonderful Universe.

Learn to share and contribute each one of our efforts / our endeavors towards complimenting it towards the Meaningful Benefit, Constructive Progress and Prosperity of All People / for All Countries across this Wonderful Universe Always

There is and There are several factors that have to be carefully considered and due diligence / prudent acumen and caution must be exercised and very carefully implemented to ensure that the inate fear of failure is met and tackled with an strategic and constructive approach.

Where necessary, seek guidance and re think, in fact at each and every step of every “Think Carefully and Act”, Weigh the Consequences - the Repercussive Ramifications and the Price for Failure since there is a price for Failure and consequences associated with it and this apparently tends to persistently remain and spread its after effects for an extensive period at each give relevant instance where this may have prevailed, Hence, Please Always “Think And Act Carefully, Wisely, With Creative Intelligence and Constructively”

May the Time / Wonderful Years Ahead infinitely bring along with it / them; Good Health, Greater Confidence, Greater Benefit, Greater Happiness, Greater Vision, Greater Perspectives, Greater Knowledge and Awareness, Greater Understanding Amongst People and Countries all across This Beautiful Universe, Greater Progress and Greater Prosperity for All People and All Countries across this Wonderful Universe and its Wonderful People

Please note, the above should not be construed or interpreted as an advice / suggestion or recommendation of any kind/type/sort whatsoever in any context whatsoever, in any way whatsoever / wheresoever/ whensoever / howsoever; since the above is only for personal reference explicitly, since obviously each and every aspect of every instance has to be meticulously and carefully assessed / evaluated with “Due Diligence” / “Prudent Acumen” / “Methodical Precision” and observance of a host of various other attributable factors that may bear concerned relevance to the concerned aspect of the concerned instance / context whatsoever / wheresoever / whensoever / howsoever, consistently.

Every step has to be taken with Accountability and Very Careful Attention, Due Diligence, Complete Responsibility by the Concerned, Unstinting Focus and Utmost Concentration upon the Objective(s) on hand and ahead of the concerned accordingly

Any step(s), Any action(s), Any decision(s) taken remains completely the responsibility of the concerned Individual(s) or Collective Individual(s) that may intend to pursue any specific steps,actions or decisions, it obviously remains the complete responsibility and liability of the concerned to carefully measure and take each step with utmost and complete responsibility at each and every instance consistently

No reliance of any sort should be made upon this article whether directly or indirectly since it is being repeatedly mentioned that the reason this article is prevalent is to instill confidence, to pursue a meaningful and constructive approach, however any actions,steps taken or decisions taken remain entirely the complete responsibility of the concerned who may take any such steps/decisions or actions

The details featured in this article are not an endorsement or confirmation of any sort or any type whatsoever

The details featured in this article are not analyzed or researched or proven, they are a mere / simple expression of thoughts that remain subject to change without any prior notification and should never be taken for advice

Complete Accountability and Responsibility remains with the Person taking any actions, any steps, any decisions at all instances consistently

The above is obviously a very brief articulation of thoughts associated with this most Precious, Incomparable and Wonderful Asset called Life, Life and its Importance cannot be paraphrased or expressed in a few words alone, The Greatness of Life is Beyond any Compare and Beyond any Description for Life is Magnificent, Life is Excellent, Life is Wonderful, Life is Beautiful, Life is Pure, Life is Divine, Life is The Very Greatest Treasure, Thank you very Much

Please kindly make note that the above details is / are not endorsed view(s) or suggestion(s), it / they is / are only an expression of a view point(s) that are being expressed in good faith at this moment in time and it might be very much possible that each individual endeavor might merit a more stringent, a more stronger and higher level of Responsibility and effective guidelines and COMPLIANCE and ADHERENCE to certain Protocol, Rules, LAWS AND REGULATIONS and other associated factors; So at any instance(s) any decision(s) / action(s) taken by the concerned Individual(s) / Person(s) remains entirely their own / complete / total Responsibility.

warranties regarding the accuracy, completeness, reliability of any of the above details featured are provided in any way whatsoever.In NO event whatsoever shall the author of this article be responsible for damages of any nature whatsoever resulting from the use of or reliance upon the information featured.

The details featured herewith are in good faith BUT in no way assure or guarantee any results / performances from what is sincerely Hoped for since every action(s) / decision(s) taken by the concerned Individual(s) remains completely and entirely the concerned Individual(s) Responsibility and at their sole discretion and risk.

Henceforth, this point of view should not be completely relied upon since you would have to obviously take your own Responsibility in attending to each endeavor with Utmost Care, Attention, Precaution, Caution, Due Diligence, Prudent Acumen, Time and Again Repeatedly with Responsibility and a host of various other factors that might have to be taken into careful consideration and assessment accordingly; so Please kindly carefully verify at each and every step(s), each and every detail(s) meticulously and diligently Please. Thank You for your attention.

Love & Light;

God Bless,


©2009 Vashi Ram Chandi



This article is being expressed in good faith; with sincere and meaningful intentions; but devoid of any kind ; type of responsibilities; representation or warranties regarding the accuracy, completeness, reliability of any of the details featured herewith

Any and all liabilities are hereby disclaimed regarding any omissions; errors or consequences that may arise as a result of preview; dissemination or propagation in any format whatsoever.

In no event whatsoever shall the featuring of this post or dissemination of any concerned/related details make me responsible for damages of any nature whatsoever resulting from the use of or reliance upon or communication / propagation / transmission of the information featured herewith.

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