Each moment keeps passing by, taking along with it; onwards with an accentuated velocity, the most precious element of time clinging onto its grasp. The essence of making each moment count is to "Appreciate Life" and its splendor & the most valuable assets that all of us have been fortunately bestowed with,
Each and every one of us has the ability to achieve excellence in each and every facet of our endeavors consistently,
As each moment weaves and leaves its impressionable footprints onto the canvas of time, let each and every one of us learn to cherish and value this priceless treasure that we have been endowed with and ensure that each and every moment is constructively invested / expended, whether in meaningful thought or whether in constructive action,
While each and every one of us venture ahead diligently with prudent acumen, treasuring moment by moment, I would wish to express the following: "May each and every Moment bring along with it, Good Health, Greater Happiness, Love, Prosperity, Harmony, Greater Respect, Understanding and Appreciation between People / Countries - All across this Wonderful Universe.and amongst its Wonderful People consistently",
Each Moment is Priceless, Beyond any Compare Each Moment holds an immense accolade of enterprising opportunities Each Moment is more Precious than the very Moment itself since apparently the stature and magnitude of moments that have elapsed have described how the advent of time has rewarded those who invested their endeavors meaningfully and constructively History is testament and holds evidential records of the exemplary and distinctive achievements that have been accomplished, milestones that have been reached by the simple virtue of recognizing the immense potential value of each Moment and making it count and matter at each and every instance consistently, Thank you very much,
Appreciate Life, Achieve Excellence! Life is Excellent! Make each moment "Count", each moment "Matter"! Count & Matter, like nothing else!
Calibrate The Precious Moments, they truly "Count", they truly "Matter", each Moment encapsulates and reflects "Treasures Beyond Compare" !
Pursue your objectives with a steadfast belief and confidence "at each and every instance", whether in "Thought" or "Action"!
Always endeavor to make a "Difference", carve a "Niche", the "Difference"; the "Niche" that incredibly matters! Fill your World with Excellence in each "Thought" and "Endeavor" for Universal Meaningful Benefit & Constructive Progress,
Each and Every Moment is extremely Precious and will never return to its original stature
Hence, Please recognize the immense potential importance of this extremely virtually important virtue by making each and every moment, making each and every moment matter consistently,
Ensuring to being Aware, Well Informed, Diligent, Meticulous,Responsible and Accountable,
Love & Light;
God Bless,
©2009 Vashi Ram Chandi
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