Saturday, March 14, 2009

The Miracle of Each and Every Day

The Miracle of Each and Every Day

The Miracle of Each and Every Day;
Meeting and Greeting Each and Every Wonderful Day

Prior to proceeding with describing suggestive methods to meet and greet each and every Wonderful Day

The Very First and Foremost; The Very Most Important and Highly Significant Action that needs to be taken and consistently pursued is:-

To express a note of "Grateful Thanks" for all that has been provided; is being provided and will be provided always

Always gratefully and with sincere thanks acknowledge the wonderful treasures that we have been endowed with and are being continually bestowed with, Moment by precious Moment

At each and every step; express "Thanks" and more "Thanks" to God for all the wonderful Gifts, salient amongst which are the precious Moments of each and every Wonderful Day

Thanks for the wonderful Virtues that each and every one has been endowed with so very fortunately

Thanks for the Wonderful Nature that keeps on providing us with a Lifetime of Treasures and it is our duty to reciprocate and give back to Nature our Very Best by safeguarding / preservation of Natural Resources and Maintainence of a Healthy Ecological Balance

Appreciation and Gratitude for the Wonderful Families we have been blessed to be with; This Complete Wonderful Universe is our Family;

Always Pray for Universal Good Health, Benefit, Progress and Prosperity consistently

May there prevail Greater Understanding, Peace, Love, Respect, Admiration, Unity, Progress and Prosperity amongst all The Countries all across our Wonderful Universe consistenly

Meet each Day with Hope, Enthusiasm, Passion to Achieve and Excel, With the objective to Observe Due Diligence, Accountability, Prudent Acumen, Responsibility, Prioritizing the concerned agendas of each day meticulously thereby equipping oneself with a well regulated method of effectively attending to one's duties efficiently, Wisely and Responsibly

Meet each day by starting it with a Prayer of thanks and kindly remembering that each and every one of us have been gifted with a Purpose;

Recognizing that one of the Pivotal Objective of the Purpose is to ensure achievement of Universal Benefit, Harmony, Peace, Progress and Prosperity always

Meet each Day Wisely, in a Pro Active Manner; thereby allocating adequate resources to meet the facets of each and every reponsibly and in an organized and systematic manner

Meet each day with a Plan for the Day; each and every day and moment matters Please The wonderful privilege to meet and greet each day; that each and every one of us have so very fortunately been endowed with is a miracle by itself. Who can understand and describe the wonderful attributes of each spectacular moment is further provided with more scintillating moment that are fantastic and fabulous beyond compare.

It is the enthusiastic perspective, the passion for enjoying each and every moment of this wonderful Life and investing in it intelligently; with Due Diligence, Wisdom, Accountability and Responsibility,

To summarize the above is virtually impossible since there are so many fascinating facets that are attached to each day and each and every one of its wonderful moments, to put it in one word, "each day is a wonder of wonders that we are / have and will be seeking; since it is within each day that holds and brings along with it tremendous possibilities and potentialities especially for each and every one of us.

Recognize what the moment holds; Be Aware; Be Attentive; Be Passionate in each and every field with an element of responsibility of course, since passion that is adhering, observing and respecting the finest/true principles and values that provide intrinsic benefit, progress and prosperity for our Wonderful Universe are further complimented with an additional vault of moments to invest their talented endeavors in consistently. Moving onto the objective of addressing how to meet each day, this is already well known and is perceived from various point of views individually; however each of the views that respects and values the element of "time" are very much appreciated, since they apparently enable a pro active approach to a diversified range of aspects / events / happenings and achievements enterprisingly.

Let us begin with describing the brief set of steps, some of which have been repeated time and again with the intended objective of providing benefit and value to the Person reading the respective reminder, that to value time before time begins evaluating one's performance and holding an multitude of options that might mystify the selection of choices proposed.

Meeting each day is a wonderful experience by itself since each day brings forth the most fascinating set of possibilities and potentialities time and again; this segment has also been deliberately repeated since each day is indeed of exceptional value by itself. We have all been provided with an objective to accomplish and once we complete the concerned objective successfully, we are further provided with an additional set of objectives from amongst which the wonderful opportunity to meet each day is pivotal and paramount.

Meeting each day with an "Attitude" of "Gratitude" is a wonderful approach however whenever this might be pursued, it should be acknowledged and thoughtfully remembered that at no instance whatsoever does the element of responsibility take a second place.

In fact, the element of responsibility continually occupies the first and foremost stature with the highest predominant precedence. Each day holds within it the element of responsibility; whereby if we tend to ignore this virtue, we do not get the similar opportunity to re trace the steps and go through the complete process. While meeting each day, we are presented with numerous choices that apparently influence our thinking process and divert our focus from many priorities, so it is a matter of wisely managing the priorities while simultaneously balancing the steps taken to make the decisive choices. Meet each day with more awareness, whenever there is an opportunity to learn, it is wise to learn before rather from the experience, discuss, endeavor to acquaint our Colleagues with the various aspects where possible regarding the preferred wise pathways to traverse upon; however importantly and attentively ensuring that while imparting advice or providing suggestions, NOT to mis lead or mis represent anyone whatsoever at any instance wheresoever, since once any wrong action that is taken in such a manner that might be incorrect or mis leading, comes right back with an accentuated velocity to affect the wrong advisor significantly.

To meet each day calls for observing the Respective Laws and Regulations consistently, ensuring that all the correct, appropriate and ethical steps are taken with complete responsibility and accountability.

There are various methods that ways to meet each Day, however amongst the best ways to meet each day is to "Prioritize" / to be "Pro Active", to be "Organized" and "Responsible" in ensuring to attend to each objective on time thereby preventing any lapse / forgetfulness / ignorance / mistakes (mistakes and errors could at times be extremely expensive and very costly)

The above topic has deviated from the captioned subject with a good intention to ensure that each and every day is filled with goodness and met with responsibility and will subsequently revert at detailing suggestive methods of, how to meet each day.

The above of course to be met and complied with with an element of accountability and responsibility at each and every step of the way, during each and every moment of the day, day by day, week by week, month by month, year by year, decade by decade, century by century and the very Most Promising Moments that are always encouraging us to meet each day with a sense of purpose, identifying one's objectives clearly and strategically, adopting methods and strategies that enhance the scope of each day Innovatively, Wisely, Accountably and Responsibly,

Please accept my Very Best Wishes and Hoping each day that You Meet is as Special and Wonderful as Our Wonderful Universe and its Wonderful People always. May there be Greater Understanding, Love, Respect and Support between all the Countries all across our Wonderful Universe, where each step taken is meaningfully constructive and ever enriching the fabric of each and every Moment tremendously with Greater Universal Benefit, Peace, Progress and Prosperity always

Love & Light;

God Bless,


©2009 Vashi Ram Chandi



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