Monday, March 23, 2009

International Water Day; World Water Day

International Water Day; World Water Day

Shared Water; Resourceful Management of Water is an Meaningful Initiative

This is an resourceful management of water, whereby it is able to reach across to those that might be in acute need of water

Drinking Water

The water could be drinking water

Sanitation Water

The water could be for sanitation purposes


The importance of water is tremendous


One might only realize the profound importance of water when one is actually experiencing a shortage

Millions of People

It is well known that Millions of People have to travel extensively; at times walk for miles to be able to fetch; obtain a little water for their daily needs


Several initiatives are being taken by Organizations all across the World to reach across and provide the most needed assistance to Millions of People; to be able to provide them with water


Their actions are very most applaudable and commendable

Scales of Statistics are Enormous; Lack of Drinking & Sanitation Water

According to estimates; there are approximately over two billion People who are without adequate sanitation water and approximately more than one billion People are without drinking water

Waterborne Diseases

Additionally a very distressing factor that is being combatted is the prevalence of waterborne diseases such as cholera and other associated diseases that are taking away the precious lives of so many People


And the very most tragic fact is that so many precious lives of Children are particularly snatched away due to the waterborne diseases; due to lack of clean drinking water; sanitation water

Very Most Distressing

Just imagine; Children who have been gifted this precious life are challenged by the inadequate water where they have to walk for miles and miles to be able to collect a little water or are afflicted by the waterborne diseases

Time & Again

The efforts that are being taken by Organizations World Wide are phenomenal and very most Appreciated; we are all proud of the Respected Individuals; Respected Organizations that all all investing their efforts to be able to bring about clean drinking water and sanitation water to Millions of People all across the World consistently


We wish them every success in their efforts and time and again gratefully express our sincere thanks to them for what they do; they are the champions amongst us; the pioneers who serve selflessly to ensure that others needs are precariously taken care of with utmost urgency; with compassion; with hearts that is truly devoted to serving the need


May God bless them; their Respected Families and One and All with a Vision of Happiness and Wisdom always

Universal Appreciation; Happiness; Gratitude & Wisdom

May Universal Truth; Appreciation; Happiness; Consideration; Compassion; Respect; Peace; Love; Cooperation; Inspiration; Gratitude; Economic Development, Stability; Prosperity, Progress & Wisdom prevail always

Love & Light;

God Bless,


©2009 Vashi Ram Chandi



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