Saturday, March 14, 2009

Thankfulness in Giving / Contribution That is Meaningful & Deserving

Thankfulness in Giving / Contribution That is Meaningful & Deserving

Thanksgiving & Thanks in Giving, What Wonderful Virtues indeed! Thanks in Giving, an Attitude of Appreciative Gratitude What a splendid and noble virtues that brings along with a world of happiness to one and all A World where there is a bountiful accolade of abundant good wishes expressed and intended right from the heart

The very mention of the word, thanks followed by mention of the word giving, creates along with them a spectacular vision that weaves good health, hope, peace, love, happiness, harmony and joy at all instances and in all contexts all across the Universe which is so Wonderful along with its tremendously Wonderful and Loving People,

The miracle of time is Thanksgiving / Thanks in Giving, providing a wonderful opportunity, each and every precious moment, to reminiscence and recapitulate the tremendous virtues we have been gifted and endowed with as well as continually expressing with immense gratitude to the wonderful moments that bring along with them consistent opportunities of thanks whilst sharing the wonderful resources with one and all consistently,

Thanks in giving, Expressing Appreciation and Gratitude for all the wonderful assets that each and every one of us have been so fortunately bestowed with and are being consistently bestowed with each and every moment without any reciprocation being sought in return for the provision of endowments of significant importance, incomparable and priceless grandeur and magnificence

Thank you for the giving; Thanks in Giving and always, It is a blessing, It is a Miracle, It is the Wonder that continually keeps on inspiring us to contribute our efforts towards enhancing the scope of each endeavor proficiently for the meaningful benefit and constructive progress of our Wonderful Universe consistently

Thank you very much for the Thanks in Giving; The sparkling radiance and kaleidoscope of enterprising vision that this virtuous day brings along with heralding abundance of happiness and thanks in giving, thanks in sharing, thanks in appreciating, thanks in sharing responsibly, Thanksgiving / The Thanks in Giving, the Thanks that grows, augments and increments with each expression of thanks whether in thought or deed

Thank you very much for Thanks in Giving and Sincerely Wishing consistently for Universal Peace, Good Health, Progress, Happiness, Prosperity, Joy, Harmony, Love and Harmony Happy Thanksgiving & Thanks in Giving in each and every Moment of this Wonderful Life,

Think positively, see the brighter side of each aspect of Life, each and every moment holds tremendous potential

The very reason only positive notions are being articulated/expressed in this section which is actually titled as warnings is because, the more a particular virtue is emphasized upon, the more its stature and importance grows, hence this particular section is peculiarly focusing only upon the positive aspects deliberately since the intentions behind the motive are for goodwill, happiness, progress and prosperity, for one and all consistently, thank you very much

To consistently think and act with complete "Responsibility" please since each thought and action could be instrumental in creating a tremendous difference even if the thought, the action might be the smallest of thoughts or actions, each and every detail counts and significantly matters please.

Love & Light;

God Bless,


©2009 Vashi Ram Chandi



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