Saturday, March 14, 2009

Reminiscing The Wonderful Magic of Thoughts;

Reminiscing The Wonderful Magic of Thoughts;

The Privilege and Fortune of Responsible Thinking and Action; in between Daily Thoughts & Actions

Every thought is the wonder that has been seeking our ardent desire to discover it, to experience it, to appreciate it, to recognize its tremendous and intrinsic value;

Every thought encompasses within its grasp the precious asset defined as the Moment;

Every thought is an infinite Moment that holds within its power, Resources and Advantages;

Every thought is an opportunity, the "opportunity" that might have been waited for since long;

Every thought that arrives within the framework of our mind is pure and full of divine energy;

Every thought is wonderful for it teaches us to appreciate and be thankful for every moment;

Every thought enables us to learn the tremendous value of responsibility and its beneficial attributes;

Every thought is the Very thoughtful, it is the thought and its articulation constructively that determines a considerable set of Achievements / Results enterprisingly;

Every thought is a miracle, the wonderful good luck that has and is always with each and every one of us;

Every thought is the silver lining of our time, sparkling and radiating a splendid reflection of the beauty of time;

Every thought is the gift that thinks of the wonderful assets that we all have been endowed with consistently;

Every thought is the thought of our Family, our Friends, our Community, our Country, our Wonderful Universe;

Every thought defines the direction of our progress once we learn to reciprocate it with diligence and wisdom;

Every thought provides us with the choice, whether to pursue a certain objective or refrain from venturing ahead;

Every thought heralds the advent of good and better times, of an era that is replete with an accolade of opportunities;

Every thought is an instrumental action in the waiting, the well calibrated thought carefully evaluates the possibilities and potentialities;

Every thought comes and goes instantaneously, with a purpose seeking our attention to accord each thought pivotal importance, it is in the thinking that the details are prevalent;

Every thought is an Inspiration and Thought Provoking, Stimulating and Creating tremendous set of Results after careful and systematic set of Responsible actions are duly taken with complete Accountability and Due Diligence and Prudent Acumen;

Every thought Counts, Every thought Matters, Think Wisely, Please take actions with Complete Responsibility and Accountability Please, Thank you very Much

Love & Light;

God Bless,


©2009 Vashi Ram Chandi



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