Monday, March 23, 2009

Practice Humility & Simplicity; Love & Light; God Bless

Practice Humility & Simplicity; Love & Light; God Bless


With practicing humility; we are seeking to shed our Ego


Humility is being Truly Humble; being Truthful


To surrender ourselves completely to God


Trust in God and Faith in Ourselves


The art of humility is contemplating about ourselves less but not lessening ourselves; since it is We; We and We; and NOT me; me and me; everything for Universal Happiness always


It is humbly accepting all that God has provided us with utmost thanks; being Appreciative; being Grateful; being Meaningful; being Purposeful; being Respectful and being Responsible always; God Bless


Simplicity is amongst the very most natural characteristics of our Souls


In life; some of the most wonderful aspects are the very most simplest; devoid of any pretensions


Simplicity is being able to express a world of meaningfulness with the very most simplest of actions

Simple Words

Even the simplest of words make worlds more expressive; more meaningful; more purposeful; the words that others speak to us; God Bless; the words that we articulate within ourselves; God Bless

Universal Appreciation; Happiness; Gratitude & Wisdom

May Universal Truth; Appreciation; Happiness; Consideration; Compassion; Respect; Peace; Love; Cooperation; Inspiration; Gratitude; Economic Development, Stability; Prosperity, Progress & Wisdom prevail always

Love & Light,

God Bless,


©2009 Vashi Ram Chandi



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