Saturday, March 14, 2009

The Scorecard of Life seeks Appreciation and Gratitude; Awareness, Accountability & Responsibility;

The Scorecard of Life seeks Appreciation and Gratitude; Awareness, Accountability & Responsibility;

It does not know the measure; what calibration process or levels; but definitely recognizes the Attitude with which each thought and deed is contemplated upon / performed

We are very fortunately equipped with the most extensive virtues/resources, abilities, endowments, proficiencies, treasures;

Each virtue/resource silently and gratefully accompanies us; reminding us that the gift of the Moment is humble acknowledgement and a meaningful / resourceful utilization of the concerned virtues with consideration

We *get more of what we contribute to this Wonderful Universe and its Wonderful People always;

(*But we should not essentially perform actions or dwell solely upon the thoughts that are linked towards seeking of materialistic gain explicitly; there has to be a moderation / a reasonable and meaningful balance established and the relevant steps taken / the respective pathways embarked upon and the necessary actions implemented selflessly but with a Vision of course; a Vision; a Vision that encapsulates and incorporates the Very Finest and Very Best thoughts and actions for this Wonderful Universe and its Wonderful People always)

If we invest our endeavors in virtues relating to Peace, Hope, Love, Faith, Discipline, Respect, Tolerance, Humility, Compassion, Happiness, Prosperity and Progress; all intended for this Wonderful Universe and its Wonderful People;

We are *rewarded in ways and means that we cannot imagine; however the investment/contribution has to be without a purpose of seeking compensation in return / or for the purpose of gain; it has to be selfless and without any intent for seeking acclaim or fortune; it is a simple act that is more powerful than the most eloquent of words spoken

(*the objective is relating to a disciplined approach that is not focusing solely upon the reward by itself; performing the relevant actions "Responsibly" of course, but not being attached or confined to the persistent expectation anxiously / apprehensively that why the reward has not been provided or any such thoughts. This means that it is our duty to perform our duty; our Purpose is to Live a Life of Purpose, a Life of Meaningful Principles and Values and attend to our respective Assignments and Agendas Responsibly; but not only because the reward is all that is surfacing at each and every instance(s) consistently)

The results cannot be conceptualized by wishful thinking alone or by persistent focus upon the reward; rather by performing one's action with due diligence, punctually, meticulously, Responsibly, with prudent acumen, with Awareness and Careful Attention; this encourages and enhances the scope and direction of the results - there is a deliberate shift from changing the reference to results instead of rewards here and there is no ambiguity in this context since the purpose of any aspect(s) of Life is generally relating to the Result(s) and not the Reward(s)

Result(s) is / are more generally referred to; where Reward(s) are concerned, they will follow in their due course of time and depending upon the set of the concerned actions / strategies implemented and provided that the related factors are all observing and abiding by the respective terms and conditions; the Respective Laws and Regulations consistently

The above summarizes and can be phrased in one paragraph which says that:-

Our duty is associated with the action and not to the fruit of the action; We need to perform our duties / assignments / attend to our agendas / tasks Responsibly, punctually, with due diligence and prudent acumen consistently; where the accentuated emphasis and predominant precedence is prioritized and focused upon the respective duties / actions / agendas primarily and not the results or rewards pre maturely

It has been said and believed that Nature while keeping track of the score card of Life also keeps a score card of each and every minutest of actions; there is nothing that can be hidden or concealed from Nature; Nature Knows; The Universe knows and regulates and synchronizes each and every aspect of this Wonderful Life systematically; in the most organized of methods that could be evolved

There is one particular thought and expression that has been expressed which is; If at certain times and instance, a Person cannot help another, this could be Understandable taking into consideration the respective circumstances; However NEVER should a Person ever wish bad for anyone NEVER ; or try to mar / hinder another Person's prospects by placing obstacles in their pathways / or taking irresponsible steps that could create impediments and hinder another Person

Always think and wish Goodness, Happiness, Peace, Prosperity and Progress for This Wonderful Universe and its Wonderful People always

What we have received, are receiving and will receive is from this Wonderful Universe and its Wonderful People;What we sow, accordingly we reap; If we invest wisely, we benefit wisely

Every thought and Every action is accountable, please think and act wisely and Responsibly

The scorecard also gently and very humbly reminds us time and again that, we are all connected / inter connected;

No matter what we think or do; the result of the action invested in is apparently bound to bring results, whether now or later

So this encourages us to think wisely, think naturally and think gratefully; as well as act wisely (not enact, but take wise actions), act naturally with a perspective of immense gratitude and appreciation for all aspects of Life and simultaneously at the very same Moment Wish The Universe to be Happy, Prosperous and Progressive

If we knew that wishing for others is bound to ricochet / bring back the very identical set of factors / results for us as well, whether now or later; then what would we think upon / wish for Please?

Hence, our each and every thought must be not only symbolic in nature, but be purposeful and objective to ensure that it is contributing to the Goodness, Welfare and Progress of our Universe always

Purposeful and Objective thoughts and actions that are consistently adhering to the respective Laws and Regulations, Purposes and Objectives that cherish and abide by noble Principles and Values

Love & Light;

God Bless,


©2009 Vashi Ram Chandi

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