Saturday, March 14, 2009

The Immense Power of Humble Gratitude and Humble Appreciation

The Immense Power of Humble Gratitude and Humble Appreciation;

Being Immensely Thankful But with a Humble Perspective

It is indeed very well known that being Appreciative, being Grateful although being amongst the most simplest and purest of virtues seeks purity and simplicity in thought(s) and deed(s)

The above intends to emphasize the most humble and compassionate approach, whereby there is/are no layers of pre conditions / pre requisites or demands essentially associated with depiction / experiencing of the above virtues

These virtues are always with us; encouraging us when we look within us to muster / gather the strengths to adopt a firm and determined resolve whilst attending to our daily duties / assignment(s) / agenda(s) / objective(s) meticulously.

Naturally, we need to attend to our daily duties / assignment(s) / agenda(s) / objective(s) with complete responsibility, accountability, efficiency, innovation, wisdom, due diligence and prudent acumen; however the essence of venturing into repetition of this conventional process "is slightly different" from the perspective that it seeks to observance of the respective procedures / implementation of the relevant details (details is not just details alone, but the literal "d" "e" "t" "a" "i" "l" "s"; since it is in the detail(s) that are world of eventualities prevail and when a certain detail(s) is/are ignored, they have a world of meaningful results or inadvertent results that may follow, reminding us of the power of attentiveness is essential amidst the process of attending to the daily chores of this Wonderful Life wisely and responsibly)

The "slightly different" approach is the embarkment onto a platform of attending to the very identical set of objective but with a sense of Appreciation, with a sense of immense Gratitude; despite all the factors pointing to various anticipated forecasts and practical realities, it is essential while practically and wisely attending to one's agenda; to remember to be Appreciative and Grateful, for all that is; for all that is being; and for all that will be.

This is not surrendering or detaching oneself from one's assignments / agendas whatsoever; it is responsibly attending to one's assignments / agenda with complete awareness, taking well informed decisions and observance of due diligence; however accompanying all of the respective factors, the investment into moments / thoughts of Appreciation and Gratitude has its own Importance.

This is also to strictly remind time and again that by simply being Appreciative and Grateful will not bring all factors into the realm of transformation of hopeful expectations into potential realities / results; not at all; this is wishful thinking, but along with the noble thoughts, diligent, precise and responsible action is required obviously to ensure that the Laws of Nature are being abided by with humility and reverence; so the difference is while being fully aware of the moment and attending to one's duties / responsibilities with complete awareness and accountability / efficiency / attentiveness; it is the element of understanding that what has been provided; is being provided and will be provided to us is a Blessing.

It is inviting / attracting various factors towards us, calling the attention of the factors from their respective domiciles to compliment the essence of each and every moment in its own unique / special way, it can also be mentioned that the factors weave the strands of the fabric of this Wonderful Life in it / their own way which is incomparable and un expectable; the reason un expectable is deliberately mentioned is because when we expect without performing our duties / assignments / or if we perform our duties / assignments and then are eagerly expecting with very keen anticipation,

The moment persists and elongates for yet a few moments longer; the few lingering moments could be hours / this could be days / this could be months / this could be years / this could be decades extending so on and so forth; but the simple shift in approach could help stimulate the orientation when it is the respective set of duties / the respective set of actions being attended to with due diligence and a certain level of expectations but not the apprehensiveness / not the anxiety;

But a serene / calm and wise approach that knows that the concerned duties / the concerned assignments are being attended to efficiently / punctually and with due diligence, responsibility and complete accountability - yet with an element of Appreciation and Gratitude and of course thoughtful wisdom since being aware of the Moment from a different perspective cannot come from imagination or perception alone; there needs to reside a strong belief; a belief that know that what is being attended to is being attended to with due diligence and responsible awareness however there is prevailing a continual element of Appreciation and Gratitude interspersed within each and every Moment, within each and every Action(s) consistently

To summarize the above; It is similar to observing and following the path of pursuing a humble approach whilst attending to each and every aspect of Life; this means that observance of Principles and Values that have been taught to us by the Greatest Teachers and Inspiration of our Life - "Our Loving Parents; our "Mother and Father"; "our Family; our Teachers; our Friends; our Communities; our Country; our Nation; our Wonderful Universe; our Happy, Peaceful, Prosperous and Progressive World"; at each and every instance reciprocating the Ideals and Beliefs / the Principles and Values; that have been / are and will continually guide us with a vision of Hope, Confidence, Wisdom and of course seeking our attention to exercise Due Diligence and Prudent Acumen, Being Aware and Well Informed while arriving at decisions and taking Responsible and Accountable set of Actions.

To coin the above paragraph; the essence of this is intended to focus upon the Humility; the Reverence; the Immense Appreciation and Gratitude for all that Has Been, Is and Will Be; every aspect(s) is acknowledged and reciprocated with Thankfulness and an perspective of Appreciative Gratitude; but of course time and again, not the times in between and after event(s) / incident(s) -

But compulsorily always, at each and every moment; being aware that we all have a paramount and vital role to play; the script of which has already been written and when we at times reflect upon and visualize; perceive the Picture of this Wonderful Life;

We are amazed at the achievements accomplished and the wonderful set of virtues that have been accompanying us all along; although not apparently visible, yet silently being with us all along the way since we always held onto the belief; the ideal; the Principles and Values while attending to our respective assignments / agendas with due diligence and responsible accountability;

It is time and again reflecting upon the humble perspective of Appreciative Gratitude whilst of course investing our efforts into each and every Moment of Life Wisely / Thoughtfully and Responsibly;

Being aware of the Moment(s) / and yet again repeat with accentuated emphasis; attending to each and every endeavors with a sense of Humble Appreciative Gratitude but not depending or expecting this Attitude to provide explicit set of results / create phenomenal outcomes;

But rather venturing along with each moment / keeping pace with the velocity of time; accelerating one's approach with meticulous calibration; not over doing or over exceeding; but balancing wisely and ensuring that the respective assignments and agendas are consistently attended to with the very best and wisest approach;

It is recognizing and acknowledging the Power of Gratitude humbly while attending to one's respective duties / assignments / agendas with due diligence, awareness, punctuality and a sense of Humility and Appreciation.

It is knowing that there is a reason for each and every instance(s) / there is a reason for each and every result(s) - (the theory of action leading to a particular reaction) - this refers to the following topic that follows and is linked to the captioned, it is accentuating the emphasis upon attendance to one's duties / one's assignments / one's agendas with a perspective of Humble Appreciation and Gratitude;

But NOT ignoring certain aspects or expecting certain changes to come about to fruition solely upon the basis of wishful thinking alone; not at all; each and every Moment of Life encourages us to attend to our duties / our assignments / our agendas; to serve our "Our Loving Parents; our "Mother and Father"; "our Family; our Teachers; our Friends; our Communities; our Country; our Nation; our Wonderful Universe; our Happy, Peaceful, Prosperous and Progressive World"; always Wishing Peace, Harmony, Love, Greater Understanding amongst People all across The Universe, Prosperity and Progress; all the wishes with a sense of Humble Appreciative Gratitude;

The reason for repetition of the virtue of humility is being emphasized since the moment we tend to assume that we have created; we have brought about; we have the powers and advantages and supercede or intervene upon another's agenda(s) / assignment(s); inflicting harm whether in thought(s) or deed(s);

We are indirectly causing harm to our own selves; whether the results of the harm are reflected back or experienced or reciprocated now or later; the event(s) / instance(s) / incident(s) / obstacle(s)/ impediment(s); are eventually able to seek retribution from the entity that caused the said event(s) / incident(s) and in a multi fold way since it does not permit any Person to interfere or play with the Laws of Nature and if one does perform action(s) that might tend to manipulate the process, then the price that the concerned entity(s) pays for is extremely catastrophic and one of repercussive ramification where they are not able to extract themselves from the complexities at all;

It is Nature; where fairness prevails, where no sides are taken, but what is just and unjust; since Nature never discriminates or favors one over another; but tends to remind and make one aware time and again that it makes one pay for one's wrong deeds whether now or later; but definitely has its own way of compensating those that have been made to endure and face unfortunate events due to the mindless actions taken by entities irresponsibly / carelessly;

The distinguishing of those action(s) that are right and those action(s) that are wrong is always being recorded and will eventually seek accountability accordingly in its own ways from the entities that inflict suffering or pain upon another; there is no evading the fact(s) that Nature has its own way of settling the equation whether now or later; but eventually making the concerned pay a price that they could never imagine, since who could ever wrestle with Nature? Who could every re define the Laws of Nature and try to put forth their agenda(s); those that intefere upon another's agenda(s) in unlawful ways is bound to pay a price that is manifold / multifold since the action taken wrongly is having one price to pay and beyond that the results of the actions taken have numerable prices to pay, this becomes a chain reaction where the concerned commiter of the action regrets, but then it becomes too late to seek pardon, since Nature cautions against taking certain Laws of Nature in one's hand / of manipulating the process.(The reason this is being mentioned in between the aspects relating to Humility, Appreciation, Gratitude and Thankfulness is since at any instance(s); a constant reminder has to prevail whereby every factor is accountably and responsibly handled; not that whilst observing humbleness and then embarking simultaneously upon pursuing a multi faceted approach that deviates from the norms / standards / regulations / principles / values / ideals and beliefs whilst attending to one's responsibilities / assignments / agendas on the pretext of feigning ignorance and committing certain action(s) for which there is no excuse(s) whatsoever.

Every aspect(s) of this Wonderful Life is Needed to be attended to with Responsibility, Awareness and Accountability Please.

This is a humble approach / an perspective of Humble Appreciative Gratitude; repeat, with a sense of responsibility, awareness, accountability; due diligence and prudent acumen continually prevailing and observed punctually / promptly / efficiently; it is balancing the best of each and every virtue(s) and ensuring a wise investment of time and the immense resources / intellectual faculties / wonderful and treasured assets that each and every one of us Has, Are and Will be continually endowed with / bestowed upon provide we fulfill our obligations responsibly without necessarily seeking reward / compensation in return;

It is our duty to attend to our duties / our assignments / our agendas diligently and responsibly; however with a perspective of humility; with a perspective of Appreciative Gratitude that is purely humble and detached from any pretensions or enactment; that is observing the respective Principles and Values; acknowledging that the Ideals and Beliefs are seeking to remind us time and again to understand the immense and potential significance of each and every aspect of this Wonderful Life and invest the resources we have been equipped with; on the basis of fair balance, namely on one side attending to one's duties; one's assignments; one's agendas with due diligence, accountability, responsibility, prudent acumen and awareness and simultaneously on the other hand ensuring explicit observance and acknowledgement of the respective Principles and Values; acknowledging that the Ideals and Beliefs (this has been repeated since it contributing back to the source / the origins from where this emanated but ensuring that it is acknowledged / reciprocated with a perspective / a sense of Humble Appreciative Gratitude) and yet again subsequently from yet another side a repeated emphasis on what has already been mentioned and emphasized; Thankfulness, Appreciation, Gratitude and Humility;

This is a tri dimensional / a triangle where the equation of each dimension is seeking to compliment the other but on the basis that one cannot be overlooked for the other; one dimension cannot substitute the other / or in other words that if one aspect is attended to, then this does not mean that other aspects have to necessarily provide the assured results; not at all; it is a sincere dedication / an attendance to one's duties / one's agendas / one's assignments with a sense of awareness, due diligence, prudent acumen, responsibility and yet at the very same respective instance(s) ensuring that there prevails an perspective of Humility, a sense of Thankfulness, a perspective of Appreciation and Gratitude for all the Wonderful Moments of this Extremely Wonderful Life and the Immense Opportunities that are provided to us Moment by Moment enterprisingly

It has been said, seize the Moment / that the certain Event (precipitated by Thoughts and Responsible Actions) is / are the opportunity(s) disguised in the garb of an completely unrecognizable or un link able connection, but in each and every aspect(s) of this Wonderful Life, predominant precedence is accorded to the immense Power of Humble Gratitude and Appreciation; since it is treading the pathways of this Wonderful Life with a sense of Responsibility and Awareness, a Disciplined / Organized / Systematic approach at each and every instance(s), yet ensuring the prevalence of the key factor amidst the Appreciation, Gratitude and Thankfulness which is the virtue of Humility, the virtue of Humbleness; being Humbly Thankful, being Humbly Appreciative, being Humbly Grateful

On this note, I would wish to once again mention the following whose importance, understanding, awareness and prevalence is undisputed, it is the The Law of Karma; The Law of Consequence, The Law of Cause and Effect, The Law of Action and Reaction (The reason this is being mentioned here is because every action has a reaction; there is no evading or ignorance; there is but an stringent and effective protocol of observance of the Law of Cause and Effect which relates to the essence for attending to one's duties / one's assignments / one's agendas with a sense of Responsibility, Discipline, Due Diligence, Prudent Acumen, Awareness and Accountability while all along knowing that simply being Humble, Appreciative or Grateful alone would not provide the essential set of results, it is the combination of various factors meticulously observed / implemented and attended to at each and every pathway of this Wonderful Life that are essential criteria / pre requisites for achievement and accomplishment of Goals / Objectives / Plans / Agendas / Assignments consistently)

This is seeking to ensure that because of one virtue alone there cannot be a dependence upon it alone since along with the attendance and observance, the implementation of the various / respective factors of this Wonderful Life with Humility, with Thankfulness, with Appreciation and With Gratitude there essentially needs to be input the investment of Wise Efforts / Endeavors, Thoughtful and Responsible set of Steps taken meticulously, which refers to the fabled adage, "Each and Every Action Has an Equal or Measurable Reaction, how the Reaction or Results is / are going to be cannot be exactly determined but could be anticipated, however the extent to which the reaction / results are eventually resulted might differ from expectations / projections / analysis; however all along whilst attending to the respective endeavors / the respective agendas / the respective assignments; there needs to prevail a sense / a perspective of Humbility, Humble Thankfulness, Humble Appreciation and Humble Gratitude

A Thankfulness that is Humble, A Appreciation that is Humble, A Gratitude that is Humble; all humbly acknowledging and reciprocating the Wonderful virtues of Life very gratefully while ensuring that the respective the respective agendas / the respective assignments; are all attended to Responsibly, with Due Diligence, Punctually and Efficiently with Awareness and Accountability

It is synchronizing the various aspects very finely without actually taking the steps of alignment since all these various factors being referred to come to accrue and result when we kindle our inner Beliefs and strongly Hope and Wish for Universal Benefit, Peace, Love, Progress and Prosperity, we are being Humble, we are being humbly Thankful, we are being humbly Appreciative, we are being humbly Grateful and only wishing time and again; the Very Best, Magnificent and Scintillating set of Results for our Wonderful Universe and its Wonderful People always; and all this coming to fruition with investment into various efforts / endeavors thoughtfully taken with Responsibility, with Accountability, with Due Diligence and Prudent Acumen; all aspects focused consistently upon achievement of objectives relating to Universal Happiness, Peace, Harmony, Prosperity and Progress

In this context, as it has been said, that what we have been provided with / what we are being provided with / what we will be provided with is / are all a Blessing / an immense Fortune / a Treasure which is encapsulated in the precious Moments that compliments each and every Wonderful Day significantly, heralding Universal Happiness, Peace, Prosperity and Progress consistently; it is in the Thoughts, we Think of certain Things and when we perceive the depiction of the respective Thought at certain instance(s) transpiring in the form of events; We acknowledge the results with Humble Appreciation, Humble Gratitude and Humble Appreciation; Thoughts are Instrumental indeed and so is Responsible Accountable set of Action(s) needed / essential to accompany the respective hallmarks of time consistently.

It is humbly referring to the The Immense Power of Humble Gratitude and Humble Appreciation; Being Immensely Thankful But with a Humble Perspective accompanied along with Thoughtful / Responsible, Diligent and Prudent action(s); one compliments the other in way(s) that cannot be envisaged; that cannot be imagined - since our duty is not to the fruit of the action(s), our duty is relating to the essential necessity of ensuring that the rightful / appropriate / disciplined / diligent set of actions are responsibly taken and ensuring that all along we understand that Nature expects humility and yet at the same instance also expects us to responsibly attend to our duties / assignments / agendas diligently; so this is one aspect(s) complimenting the other(s) while of course ensuring that one or the other is not mixed / substituted or attended to solely with a perspective of focus upon the reward(s) / the benefit(s) envisaged/expected/anticipated; it is Humbleness and simply Humility BUT at the very same corresponding instance(s) ensuring observance of the various factors; namely; one's duties / one's assignments / one's agendas are attended to Responsibly, Punctually / Efficiently and Diligently;

In this context, the following is a very brief and simple description with good intention and being expressed in good faith to describe a few aspects regarding the Law of Karma; There are certain aspects that pertain to the above, such as the virtues of:-

Acknowledgement, Admiration, Aspiration, Avoidance of Conflict, Awareness
Being Compassionate and Considerate
Being Diligent and Honest
Being Diligent and Observance of Prudent Acumen
Having a Caring, Cheerful, Peaceful and Patient Attitude
Being Prioritized and Persevering
Being Responsible and Respectable
Being Understandable (Taking the diligent efforts to understand each and every detail(s) meticulously)
Ensuring to utilize One's Intelligent Faculties Wisely

It might be possible that there might be various interpretations and meanings that might be construed by the Reader / Recipient of an Message that might feature these few simple words being expressed earnestly; however the main objective and criteria of this expression is to ensure that an element of "Responsibility" prevails with due diligence and observance of the Respective Rules and Regulations, the Respective Laws and Legislation's and other Associated / Stipulated - Mandatory requirements that might need to be complied with complete Awareness and continually "Total Responsibility" Every action(s) that is taken is associated with a consequence;

It is not possible that an action could be taken with evasion from its consequence(s) / its results(s); Any action(s) taken will evidently result in an consequence(s) / its results(s) of its own obviously. The reference being attributed to could be a thought(s) / a consideration(s) / a simple action(s); absolutely anything at all but it is expected to culminate either instantly / a little later on or eventually into consequence(s) / results(s) that are linked with the respective event(s) accordingly. (The link could be either advertent or inadvertent / The link could be either knowingly or unknowingly, The link could be either through deliberate intent or ignorance, The link could either through greed / malicious intent or from a perspective of good intend; Regardless of whatever the link might be; it is bound by the Law of Karma; The Law of Consequence;The Law of Cause and Effect;The Law of Action and Reaction)

It goes to say that every occurrence(a) / every event(s); absolutely each and every happening has its roots / its origin / its inception / its foundation; from where it evolved and transported across through either a brief span of time; or for decades at a stretch; but decisively an retribution of equal or greater proportion in return; this in other words is meant to convey the fact that what has happened has happened for a particular reason;

What is happening now is happening for a particular reason and What will happen further ahead will happen / occur for a specific and particular reason and purpose; The reason that an accentuated emphasis has been placed / attributed to the aspect of "What will happen further ahead will happen / occur for a specific and particular reason and purpose"; is because this is yet very much within the scope of our Understanding ; our Comprehension; our field / range of awareness; the vantage point from where we could be able to "Responsibly" take our action(s) with "Due Diligence" and "Awareness"; thereby preventing a repetitive recurrence of unwanted set of result(s) / circumstance(s) repeatedly.

As it is evidently clear and well know that by following a certain procedure; a particular pathway of approach, this would apparently lead to a similar set of result(s) / consequence(s); however if from the moment that the awareness penetrates within one's understanding and compliments the judgment / decision making process wisely, then there onwards, it ensures an Responsible attitude of Appreciative Gratitude is prevalent whereby when every action(s) that is taken is measured and taken; every word that is spoken it thought of and spoken; every investment(s) that is/are made / / is/are made after careful and wise analysis and complete "Responsibility" and "Awareness".

One single action(s) / One single thought(s) could apparently make a very large impact(s) / an enormous difference(s); hence, it my earnest request to please carefully consider and respond please; Kindly do not just react in haste with the purpose of solely completing an assignment(s) where if an action(s) is taken due to fear of being late or missing out on an preset schedule(s) could apparently retard the complete process since by rushing through, perhaps the elated sense of satisfaction might prevail with the Person having completed their assignment(s) / objective(s); but then that every action(s) taken in haste could very well create a set of circumstance(s) which might necessitate the embarkation of attending to the respective assignment(s) / objective(s) all over again and with an added sense of regret(s); so Please kindly be Pro Active instead of Reactive; Be Organized and Disciplined; Be Wise and Thoughtful; Be Responsible, Be Responsible and Continually be Aware and Responsible Please, Thank you very Much.

The above article remains to be continued since the captioned subject cannot be described or narrated in these few words alone, it is my ardent and sincere Hope that meanwhile it will prove to be be of *continual assistance in further enhancing the scope of establishing a Greater Level of Appreciation and Understanding amongst all People all across This Wonderful Universe and create Greater Abundance of Health and Wealth, Benefit, Prosperity and Progress for our Wonderful Universe and its Wonderful People always,

*although the extent of the assistance might be nominal, yet every effort taken in the appropriate direction is a humble effort taken to communicate the essential importance of the captioned subject more vividly with the hope that every action that is taken is taken with an added degree / element of Responsibility consistently Please, Thank you very much,

It is extremely important to understand that the Law of Karma should not be confused with any personal vengeance / hatred / jealousy (In fact there should be no space permitted for any of these vile virtues) since by creating confusion, this leads to greater conflict of one's own and mutual interests; thereby eventually permitting the initiator of this complete process with a debt of burdens that become insurmountable since by taking on one's own agenda this is incomplete and then interspersing it with malicious thoughts augments the magnitude from where the process begins; therefore it is wise to avoid even thinking of any bad / vile details that might inadvertently lead to complexities beyond any perceptible resolution;

The Law of Karma is more akin to The Law of Nature whereby it does not discern what might be the appropriate time as one might think but rather it has its own immaculate sense of precise timing whereby it seeks to render justice on the basis of fairness and impartiality

Every event(s) / action(s); including thoughts are being recorded / journalized / bio graphed despite the best of one's intentions to conceal what might be done since Nature knows all that is happening and when the "Time" comes it has this recorded that holds the most profound evidence that could ever be found for decades / centuries; far beyond one's imagination; therefore always seek the very Best for Our Wonderful Universe and its Wonderful People always; which also very obviously includes The Universal Environment, Wildlife, Creatures; All forms of Life Please

The above specifies that Nature in All Its Splendor,Its Magnificence, Its Grandeur humbly seeks our appreciation to immensely value Life in all its splendid forms, Respecting each and every Individual(s), Nation(s), Country(s), Our Wonderful Universe as well as Each and Every Living Being which includes Animals, Creatures, Mammals, Reptiles and all basically Each and Every form of Life deserves to Life and are entitled to Live since Nature has provided us with so many wonderful resources that are adequate to provide us with a healthy sustenance without having to seek the exploitation of wild life, creatures, animals, mammals, reptiles and every form of life, whether this may be for sport or otherwise

The above also serves to provide us with an explicit notice that never at any instance(s) can there be a falsification / pretension on the basis of The Law of Karma since what is True and Just will prevail; since this has the immense strength of its own resilient and decisive factors that know each and every occurrence from evolution to eternity; Nature seeks simplicity at its very Best but obviously simplicity that is ensuring an element of Accountable Responsibility since no guise can conceal a cloak of intentions that are mis leading or conflicting to any one's interest(s); Kindly remember that every action(s) has its own opposite or equal reaction(s); so Please Think and Act Wisely, Thank you very Much!

Utilize each Moment Wisely, Invest the Very Best in Life; Seek to Achieve and Excel in every endeavor; However if excel is not possible, Please do try One's Very Best to Achieve Reasonable and Meaningfully Constructive Objectives that create Greater Benefit, Progress and Prosperity for our Wonderful Universe and its Wonderful People always Please;

It is not only the results that matter, but the action(s) taken with good and pure intention(s) that seek to discover the meaning of each and every moment wisely and utilize it effectively by deploying one's resources objectively and with meaningful reason, prudent acumen and due diligence; Kindly remember The Law of Karma; Nature is Watching; Very Observant; Very Detailed Recording and Storing of each and every Fragment of Evidence being Stored Meticulously and Archived very Systematically, where not a single detail(s) / event(s) / instance(s) is ignored or overlooked whatsoever; as well as very MOST Importantly at all time(s) and instance(s) God is Aware and Watching of one and all incidents / events / actions / commitments pledged / responsibilities handled / obligations fulfilled; thoughts articulated; words spoken (these should be humble please to the reasonable possible extents since inflicting pain upon one another by utilizing harsh vocabulary / words does not justify - there is always three aspects to any situation; Your Way, My Way and Its Way; the Its Way is one of Diligence, one of Observance of Nature / Universal Laws and Regulation; the observance of Principles and Values; Ideals and Beliefs but never forceful / rigid imposition of any aspect(s) / ideology upon another since Nature demands Respect and Love for one another and Compassion along with Humility; as perspective of Humble Appreciative Gratitude and Humble Thankfulness and observance essentially of various other host of factors / attributes / Virtues consistently.

But this does not mean that one becomes extremely wary / pre cautious and then looses foresight / vision of one's objective(s) in the measuring process and deviates from the intended pathways but rather do one's very Best to the very Best of one's abilities within Reason; with Complete Responsibility and Accountability; since we cannot perform and judge at the very same time, it is our duty to perform our very Best and Leave the Rest to Nature; To God; but under no pretext can any action(s) committed wrongly be attributable to creating any hatred or violence since Nature seeks and encourages us to radiate our splendor; each and every one of us have been endowed with amongst the very finest of Virtues that Life has to Offer;

Appreciate Life, Achieve Excellence! Life is Excellent! We have been Provided with amongst "The Very Finest Of Things That Life Has To Offer". We have to Appreciate with Gratitude, the Precious Moments that Life Bestows us With, Each Day, Moment by Moment. By Appreciating Life, We are Achieving Excellence; We are truly Reciprocating the Excellent Virtues that we have been Endowed with, and Utilizing these for The Meaningful Benefit and Constructive Progress of our Wonderful Universe and its Wonderful People.

Make each moment "Count", each moment "Matter"! Count & Matter, like nothing else!Calibrate The Precious Moments, they truly "Count", they truly "Matter", each Moment encapsulates and reflects "Treasures Beyond Compare" ! Pursue your objectives with a steadfast belief and confidence "at each and every instance", whether in "Thought" or "Action"!Always endeavor to make a "Difference", carve a "Niche", the "Difference"; the "Niche" that incredibly matters!

Fill your World with Excellence in each "Thought" and "Endeavor" for Universal Constructive Progress and Meaningful Benefit. Pursue your objectives with a steadfast Belief and Confidence at each and every Instance, whether in "Thought or Deed" Appreciation & Gratitude, Good Health & Happiness, Peace & Love, Prosperity & Progress, Awareness & Responsibility, Joy & Harmony, Essence of Time, Compassion & Humility, Appreciation & Gratitude,Wisdom & A Continual Quest and Aspiration for Knowledge,Fill your World with Excellence in each "Thought" and "Endeavor" for Universal Meaningful Benefit & Constructive Progress

The above are a very few aspects that pertain to the above and naturally there are various other details / aspects that need to be taken into very careful consideration, accountability and application consistently with due diligence and prudent acumen and of course time and again with complete / total Accountability and Responsibility

The Immense Power of Humble Gratitude and Humble Appreciation; Being Immensely Thankful But with a Humble Perspective; it is simply being Humble while ensuring that One's Agendas / One's Assignments / One's Responsibilities are attended to with Due Diligence, with Prudent Acumen, with Awareness, with Accountability and host of observance of various other respective Virtue(s) / Factor(s) / Aspect(s); with a perspective of Humility; a sense of Humbleness, a perspective of Humble Thankfulness, Humble Appreciation and Humble Gratitude

Love & Light;

God Bless,


©2009 Vashi Ram Chandi

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